Dependencies Demystified

September 15, 2015

Dependency injection. Inversion of control. Containers. Let’s cut through the confusion and hyperbole and talk about what this really is. We’ll cover dependencies - why you should care, what they are, how you identify them, and when they provide value. We’ll also cover containers and how they can be used to effectively manage your dependencies.

Our speaker is Jason Bock. Jason is a Practice Lead for Magenic and a Microsoft MVP (C#). He has 20 years of experience working on a number of business applications using a diverse set of frameworks and languages such as C#, .NET, and JavaScript. He is the author of “Metaprogramming in .NET”, “Applied .NET Attributes”, and “CIL Programming: Under the Hood of .NET". 

Jason has written numerous articles on software development issues and has presented at a number of conferences and user groups and is a leader of the Twin Cities Code Camp. Jason holds a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Marquette University. Visit his web site at